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关键字: 赤脚医生 优秀典型 理性情绪 情绪疗法 三个阶段 标杆管理 少数民族 省份 | 时间:2024-09-16 10:08

发布时间:2024-09-16 10:08

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Making Use of Word Formation (构词法): Prefixation (前缀法)

You don't need to look up every new word in the dictionary while reading. You have various (各种各样的) ways to help you deduce(推测) its meaning. One of the ways, which you are learning in this unit, is affixation (词缀法). Affixes are particles(词缀) added to the beginning or to the end of a root(词根), or to both. If you know the meaning of a root, the word formed from the root by adding affixes should not be a new word to you such as clear--clearly, and afraid--unafraid.

Affixes are subdivided(划分) into prefixes(前缀) and suffixes(后缀).


A prefix is a particle which is added to the beginning of a root. Generally, prefixes change the meaning of the root, but not its part of speech(词性).

e.g. exist v. → coexist v. (共存)

chemistry n. → biochemistry n. (生物化学)

possible ad. → impossible a.

1.  Prefixes denoting “opposition”(相反的,对立的)

Prefixes   meaning        example

un-     not interested  →   uninterested

in-     not correct   →   incorrect

im-     not polite   →   impolite

il-      not legal    →    illegal(不合法的)

counter-    against    clockwise (顺时针方向地)→counterclockwise

anti-      against    foreign →antiforeign(排外的)

2. prefixes denoting “location”(地点), “direction”(方向) and “distance”(距离)

prefix      meaning          example

fore-       before arm    →    forearm(前臂)

de-        down grade    →    degrade(降级)

sub-        under way    →    subway(地铁)

mid-       middle east    →    Mideast(中东)

over-       above pass    →    overpass(天桥)

3. Prefixes denoting “time”

prefix       meaning        example

pre-        before      history→prehistory(史前)

fore-        before      noon→forenoon(午后)

post        after       war → postwar(战后)

4. Other prefixes

prefix       meaning         example

de-        reversal(相反)    merit(优点) → demerit

sur-        beyond         pass → surpass(超过)

extra-       outside     ordinary(普通的)→ extraordinary(非常的)

self-       one's own        study → self-study

re-         again         read → reread(再读,重读)



