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关键字: 威胁 防范 国外 科技优势 考核 电大 汉语专题 赤脚医生 | 时间:2024-09-19 01:12

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Chapter 1 Communication in your life

Accurate, effective communication is critical to each person yet is difficult to achieve. In this chapter, you have learnt the importance of communication, its process and the barriers to it.
This activity aims to help you have a better understanding of the importance and roles of communication in your personal life.

Activity 1: (5 marks)
Please explain the following terms in your own words:

a. Communication channel
Communication channel is the mode a sender selects to send a message.

b. Communicating media
Communicating media are tow means by which to send messages and two means by which we receive them. To send messages, we speak and write; To receive messages, we read or listen.

c. Audience analysis
Audience analysis is the process used to examine your receiver or audience.

d. Communication barriers
Communication barriers are obstacles to the communication process, which is divided into external and internal communication barriers.

e. Electronic mail
Electronic mail is a system by which written messages are sent, received, and stored by means of a computer.

Activity 2: (5 marks)
Please answer the following questions:
a. What are the purposes of communication?
We all use communication for five basic purposes:
(1) to establish and build goodwill
(2) to persuade
(3) to obtain or share information
(4) to establish personal effectiveness
(5) to build self-esteem

b. What are the receivers' responsibilities in communicating process?
The receiver's responsibilities are to read and listen effectively. Focusing and ensuring understanding are the keys to effective reading. Listening can be a little more self-threatening. Good listeners check for understanding, when in listening situations, good listeners paraphrase the message.

Chapter 2 Communicating in a diverse workplace

In the twenty-first century, the workplace is a place of diversity. In addition to ethnic, religious, and socioeconomic difference, the workplace will become increasingly multicultural. The increase of global business pursuits makes it more likely that we will come in contact with people from other cultures or other countries. Students need to learn how to deal sensitively with people from other cultures, both in terms of the language barrier that may exist and in terms of the different values, customs, traditions, decision-making processes, and priorities that people from other cultures may have.
This activity aims to help you summarize different cultures you learnt from the coursebook and train your ability to obtain information from other resources.

Activity: (6 marks)
a. Study the sample form (2 marks)
Greeting customs around the world

countrygreeting customsArgentinaShake hands briefly and nod to all present. Close friends shake hands or embraceBrazilA long, warm handshake is common, upon both arrival and departure.CanadaShake hands firmly. People may just smile and nod in informal business situations, or if they have greeted someone with a handshake earlier in the dayFranceShake hands lightly and quickly. Be sure to greet each person present.IndiaOnly the most Westernized of businesspeople shake hands. Instead, expect to use the namaste ( pronounced nah-mas-tay). Fold palms together below your chin and nod or bow slightly.JapanSome Japanese may extend their hand for a light handshake. If not, watch how the person bows and return the bow to the same depth. This indicates that you consider yourself of equal status. As you bow, lower your eyes and keep your palms flat on your thighs.Saudi ArabiaMost Saudi businessmen shake hands in Western fashion. Only some Saudi men will shake hands with Western women.
a. Fill in the following two forms according to the above sample. ( 4 marks)

Body Language (2 marks)

Countrybody language customsAmericaOk sign represents all right, in other countries means obscene or lewd comment.IslamIslamic people consider the feet unclean, don't cross your feet at the ankle.ChinaNodding means yes, shaking your head means no, Greek may tilt the head to either side to signal yes, to signal no, they may slightly nod the head upward.BritishBritish think V sign means victory, but for Greeks, they think it is impolite.FranceSpreading your thumb means "ask question", in Singapore, it means "the most important thing".ThailandIf you want to signal a person to come near, you should move the fingers back and forth with palm down. But in the United States, you ask someone to come by holding the palm up and moving the fingers towards our body.TurkeyPutting one's hand in one's pockets is a sign of disrespect, In some Asian countries, you must not touch the head of another person. And in China, people don't kiss or hug each other, except his/her lover.MuslimsIn Chinese, people hand everything with both hands to show their respect, but for Muslims, they think the left hand is unclean and do not eat or pass something with it.
Personal Space (2 marks)

AmericaAmericans appreciate personal space of 18 inches to three feetWestern Europeans The same zone as most Americans-18 inches to three feet.Middle EasternMediterraneans and Hispanic cultures are comfortable with a personal distance of less than 18 inches.ChinaChinese are used to very limited personal space and are generally comfortable with physical closeness.Other countriesPrefer more than three feet of personal space.IndiaResident of India may have a smaller personal space than someone who is home on the Mongolian steppe, both in regard to home and individual.JapanThey don't like touching each other.KoreaThey like standing with a big distance.
Activity 2: (4 marks)
Answer the following questions:

a. What makes the world as a global workforce?
Leading the Global Workforce provides a handy guide for international organizations that must achieve results in managing and sustaining a global workforce. The fourteen illustrative cases outlined address the major concerns and recruiting and developing global leaders, global organizational learning, cross-cultural communication, outsourcing line functions, and managing global careers and transitions from sixty of the worlds best-practice global organizations. Each case shows how the organization advanced a global business strategy with a new initiative in the areas of global leadership development, cultural change, career transition, succession planning, change management, outsourcing, and global performance. In addition, Leading the Global Workforce also describes the overall strategy, planning, and implementation of the initiative; feedback from participants; and overall evaluation of results. Many of the cases contain competency models, practical tools, instruments, and materials that were most effective.

b. How could you communicate effectively across cultures?
Cross-cultural communication occurs when two individuals from different cultures communicate, whether verbally, nonverbally, or in writing. Because they don't belong to the same culture, they don't share the same assumptions, values, beliefs, feelings, or ways of thinking and behaving. These differences make the communication process challenging. Effective cross-cultural communication begins with having an open attitude about communicating and about the people with whom you are communicating. Learn to find a common ground on which to communicate. You should learn about and accept cultural differences. And be sensitive toward people from other cultures, be prepared for language barriers-and get past them. Keep messages simple and short.

Chapter 3 Writing with style

Planning and organizing messages involves identifying objectives and main ideas and supplying supporting details. Depending on the message and objective of a business communication, information should be presented in direct order, indirect order, or direct-indirect order. To promote goodwill, as all business communications should do, students should use courteous words. In addition, using precise and up-to-date language helps the message be reader-friendly and effective.
This activity aims to provide skills to write successful messages from sentence building to paragraph writing.

Activity 1: (2 marks)
Read the following paragraphs:

Complete messages contain a variety of sentence types. You will hold your readers' attention if you vary the length and structure of your sentences as well as the structure of your paragraphs.
It is best to keep sentences at 20 words or less. At the same time, it adds interest to have some noticeably short sentences--- perhaps 10 words or even fewer. Using sentences of different lengths keeps your writing from feeling choppy or monotonous. As you vary sentence length, your sentence structure naturally varies as well. Alternate simple sentences with compound and complex sentences.
Varying paragraph length also keeps your writing from being choppy. We have already said that the opening and closing paragraphs of a message should be relatively short. When writing your middle paragraphs, plan them so that they average about six to eight lines long. Mix in a short, two-or three line paragraph sometimes to add interest. A short paragraph also is a way to emphasize an important point.

Activity 2: (8 marks)
Evaluate the passage and write down your evaluation (in 100 words). Judge if it meets the requirements:
* A clear objective
* A main idea
* The supporting details
* Receiver-oriented or writer-oriented
* Courteous words
* Precise language

When we write something, we should follow the guidelines given as the example. In the messages, we should have the different kinds of sentences. In order to attract receiver's attention, we should change the length and structure of the sentences. This is the main idea and objective of the short passage.
We could change the sentences from long to short, 20 words or less, which keep readers from feeling boring. Maybe we should use different sentences with compound and complex sentences.
The length of paragraphs also vary at the same time, this can add the interests of readers to read the passages.

Chapter 4 Writing memos and E-mails
In this chapter, you learned how to use, format, and write effective memos and e-mail messages. This chapter further discusses memos as internal communication and differentiates between the traditional and the simplified memo format, stating specific guidelines. Various kinds of business meetings, guidelines for writing agendas and minutes are introduced in this chapter as well.
This activity will check your ability of writing a memo. Although memos are less formal than letters, they require the same careful attention. You should know that colleagues and supervisors judge employees by the quality of their communication, including memos and e-mails.

Activity 1: (4 marks)
Relate your e-mail sending / receiving stories in your experience-such as the phenomenon of writing in real time, hearing from a friend who lives at a great distance, renewing friendships, and so forth:

Dear Isabella,

How are you? I received your letter by special delivery yesterday afternoon. Many thanks for the enclosed nine drawings and beautiful photos and, above all, for the invitation itself. Your invitation reminds me of the promise we made last year. I can still remember the day you and your folks moved to Taipei. That day you and I made a promise to meet again one year later, and wewalked the street most of the time in silence. Then we said good-bye to each other and parted at the street corner at last. That is really a haunting memory, isn't it?
Now one year is gone. You have invited me to go on holiday for a week starting tomorrow and I remember our promise. But I hope you can forgive me for what I am going to tell you: I am dying to see you, but I can't I am sorry, please. I have to break my word because my elder sister is going abroad to seek advanced study. She will leave for Germany soon and my parents want me to give a hand to them and do some things for my sister prior to her departure. I hope you can understand this. I hope you will not blame me for real, will you? Perhaps everything will be all right next time.


Activity: (6 marks)
Write a memo in the traditional format based on the given facts ( 6 marks ):
Your class just had a discussion on the experience in sending and receiving e-mails, some did get abusing e-mails, some wrote down in efficient e-mails, some didn't realized that e-mail has it is format and so on. Try to write a memo in the traditional format in 50 words:

To: Andy Andler
From: Heady the Head Honcho
Date: June 1, 2008
Subject: New Monthly Reporting System

We'd like to quickly go over some of the changes in the new monthly sales reporting system that we discussed at Monday's special meeting. First of all, we'd once again like to stress that this new system will save you a lot of time when reporting future sales. We understand that you have concerns about the amount of time that will be initially required for inputting your client data. Despite this initial effort, we are confident that you will all soon enjoy the benefits of this new system.
As you can see, once you have entered the appropriate client information, processing orders will require NO paperwork on your part. Thank you all for your help in putting this new system into place. Best regards.


Chapter 5 Writing letters to your clients and customers
In this chapter, you have learned how to format and write effective routine, good news, goodwill, and bad news letters. You also learned to use block, modified block, and simplified block formats. Letters contain neutral, positive and negative messages.
This activity is to train your translation and letter writing skills.

a. Translate the following letter, paying attention to the format (4 marks):

Mario Lopez
6306 Claramont Avenue
Cincinnati, OH 45208-1841
September 5, 20-
MS. Alicia DeVon
3402 East 25th Street
Taylorsville, SC 29646-0926

Dear Ms. DeVon:
Please send me a copy of the handouts you provided at your recent presentation to the Taylorsville Investment Club. I would really appreciate a copy of your investment strategies and your insights mutual funds and state bonds.

Unfortunately, I had to miss the meeting but read the article in last night's Taylorsvill Gazette. While the article was very complimentary, it did not contain much detail. Because many members told me that I had missed some very valuable information, I am making this request.

For your convenience, a self-addressed, stamped envelope is enclosed. Thank you very much for taking the time to talk to the club. I look forward to receiving the information.

Sincerely yours,

Mario Lopez

Your translation:

玛莲露 洛佩兹
6306 卡罗门特大街
辛辛那提, 45208-1841
3402, 东街25号


请发送一份在泰勒丝投资公司您演讲的宣传资料给我, 我对您的投资策略和您对共有基金及州政府债券的想法非常地欣赏。



玛莲露 洛佩兹

b. Write a feedback letter in 100 words, paying attention to the content and format (either yes/no answer will be ok) (6marks):

Dear Ms. Lopez

I'm so glad to receive your letter, and thank you for your appreciating my presentation about the mutual funds and state bonds. Because the limited time, I just gave some main supporting information of this presentation. You said you didn't attend the meeting this time, it doesn't matter, I enclose a copy of the handouts of this meeting, you could read it later.
From this meeting, I found many members are interested in this issue, so I want to prepare for another meeting of the presentation next month. If you have time, please come, and give me some valuable suggestions about it. After you read the handouts, if you have any advice, please write to me, best wishes.

Sincerely yours,

Alicia DeVon

Chapter 6 Writing reports: a complex process made easy

The last chapter describes how to plan and write informal and formal reports. You have learned how to plan, organize, outline informal and formal reports. An informal report has three main parts. This chapter also provides guidelines for writing and examples of formal reports. In this activity, you are asked to write an outline.

Read the following passage carefully and then write an outline of it (10 marks):
To accommodate seasonal variations in credit volume and to allow for future growth in credit sales, the Credit Department proposes that a new credit record storage facility be constructed in the regional office. This facility would store credit and collection records for up to 1,000 regional customers. The specifications for the proposed storage facility are outlined in this report. The proposed storage facility should meet the following specifications:
An area of 700-900 square feet is needed.
Furniture and Equipment. Provide two rectangular workstations with seating for two at each workstation. Workstations should each be equipped with one microfiche reader, one microfiche storage file, one personal computer, and one laser printer. The two computers should be linked with the central credit processing system. Each workstation requires two work chairs. In addition, one 3 times 6 table for file preparation is needed. To hold credit applications that must be retained for two years, provide 10 linear feet of reinforced steel shelving. The shelving should be 89 high with 160 between shelves. The lowest shelf must be positioned at least 49 above floor level..
To hold customer correspondence about credit disputes or collections, provide six 4-drawer letter-size file cabinets. To hold returned mail from credit and collection accounts, provide two rolling storage bins. One multi-line telephone should be installed at each workstation. These telephones should be linked with the regional office's voice-mail system.
Provide one facsimile device for transmission of credit documents. The facsimile must be equipped with a ten-page document feeder and a letter-size tray to hold incoming faxed.
This file storage facility must be secure both day and night. Provide one card-activated locking system with a manual override in case of power failure.
Appropriate wiring should be provided for the following equipment: personal computers and printers; Microfiche readers; Fascimile equipment.
The proposed file storage area should meet the following specifications for other environmental factors. The heating, ventilation, and air conditioning system must accommodate a temperature range between 68-78 degrees Fahrenheit (20-26 degrees Centigrade), and a humidity level of 40-60 percent.
Linoleum or vinyl tile should be provided in the area. All furniture and equipment must be set on two-inch risers to prevent water damage in case of flooding.
Lighting. Indirect, non-glare lighting supplemented by task lighting is needed at the workstation. For all other areas in this facility, provide standard ceiling lighting.
Every year, the Credit Department experiences heavier demand for record storage as a result of increased credit and collection activity during the fall and winter months. To accommodate this seasonal demand, the facility should be ready by September 15.
The Credit Department will require two business days to transfer current customer records from the downtown office to the new storage facility in the regional office. Customer correspondence records and microfiche files will be moved on the first day; customer applications will be moved on the second day. A storage facility constructed according to the specifications described in this report would allow the Credit Department to adequately service 800-1,000 customers. With the availability of this storage facility, the Credit Department could comfortably accommodate both seasonal storage demands and expected growth in future credit sales.

In order to increase the future growth in credit sales, the Credit Department suggests a new credit record storage facility. This facility could accommodate 1000 regional customers. The space of the area is 700-900 squares, which is equipped with furniture and equipment. There are two workstations with electronic equipments. We have the shelves to hold credit applications, and the drawer to hold customer correspondence. The multi-line telephone will be installed with voice-mail system at each workstation.
The file storage facility must be secure, and the area must meet the spcifications. And we will install the task lighting and standard ceiling lighting.
During the fall and winter months, the credit and collection activity increases heavily, so we should arrange the facility well by September 15. The Credit Department will need two business days to remove customer records.



